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The Maker: About

The Maker

My name is Pete Beer.


As a child I was always interested in music, and in making things.


I first started building guitars in 2001, studying for two years at Anniesland College, Glasgow. I then went on to study at London Metropolitan University (formerly Guildhall college of furniture). In 2006, with a 1st class Bsc in Musical Instrument Technology, I moved to Gloucestershire to open my first professional workshop. From there I moved to Somerset for a number of years before returning home to Argyll in 2014.


Here I built my current workshop, in the village of Blairmore, looking out over the clyde. I continue to build guitars here, sending them out all over the world. I also teach guitar making two days a week in the college where I first learned, now renamed Glasgow Clyde College.


I live by the sea with my partner and two young children. Any spare time is spent growing food and messing about in boats.

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